blogForgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains

Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains: A Poetry Collection to Benefit Girls Write Now

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TL;DR Press is proud to present an original poetry collection, Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains. These twenty poems are the work of Joan Odom, and convey her story of growing up in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. We are proud to share this amazing collection and spread Joan’s words across the globe to benefit Girls Write Now.

Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains is our first single-contributor collection, and it has a powerful story behind its creation. Released posthumously by TL;DR Press and the family of Joan, this poetry collection provides a glimpse into her life and touches on something every writer thinks about; the rewards and vulnerability of being known through our work.

The collection is a reflection of Joan’s life: Her family, her community, her experience as a black woman and mother, and her relationship with inequality and racial tension. During her lifetime, Joan’s poetry was hidden from the world. The poems selected by her family represent the work that we all as writers hold close to our hearts, yet want to share with the world.

We are so grateful to partner with Girls Write Now, the perfect charity for this collection. Girls Write Now is a charity that mentors underserved young women to find their voice in writing and community. They offer guidance and support to grow their confidence and portfolios. 

Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains is a 20-poem collection available as a Kindle eBook for $2.99 and as a paperback book for $10. 100% of the royalties from the publication of this book will be donated directly to Girls Write Now.

We want to thank the family of Joan Odom, Girls Write Now, and the team at TL;DR Press for making this poetry collection possible. Below is a poem from the collection, to give a taste of what can be found in Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains.

My Fantasies

Just once again, to be a carefree girl,
And watch my wide skirt gently swirl,
Polishing my bucks oh so white,
Preparing for a school dance tonight. 

To ride upon silvery clouds up high,
To feel first love with a sigh,
Gentle lips upon my breast,
Budding breast upon my chest. 

Walking barefoot through the rain,
Always beautiful, never plain,
With a lover by my side,
And no secrets shall we hide. 

Tossing our laughter to the wind,
And to lay at night and love again,
Gentle hands upon my hair,
Always knowing that he’s there. 

Beautiful lilies, fields of white,
And the warm sun shining bright,
Far off lands yet unseen,
Bringing forth my wildest dream. 

Castles built on mountains high,
Stairways leading to the sky,
Oh the places I would explore,
To find the dreams I’m searching for. 

I’d sail upon the ocean foam,
And all my days I will roam. 

I’d stand upon a mountain high,
And to the world I would cry,
Look at me world it is me,
Searching for my Fantasy. 

Buy Forgotten Pleasures and Sad Refrains to add a wonderful collection of poetry to your shelf and support a worthy charity making a difference in the lives of young writers.

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